Make Money Blogging – Part 2- Create Shareable Content

Now that you are aware of what types of content to create, it is time to plan how much and when. Bloggers need a schedule for their posts, so they can produce quality work without feeling overwhelmed or rushed at the end of each day.


Instead of sitting down to write blog posts on a whim, bloggers create lists from ideas they can draw on when it's time. They often set aside special times where they know the writing will just flow and their creative juices are turned up high.

During these times, writers might work out some post that'll be ready for publishing at any given moment without needing to do much in-between preparation or thinking about what should come next while still staying true to their voice!

Think of all the things you know about your audience. What are their interests? Their hopes and dreams for themselves or others in their lives? Once you have some ideas, start brainstorming topics that would be appropriate to cover at an event like this one. Some questions might help:

  • What are your readers' most pressing questions?
  • Do you have any advice for them on how to tackle these problems?
  • What solutions can we offer that will help them work through their issues and get back into a better place in life or business, whatever it may be?
  • What are the options for solving these problems?
  • What could you do to help them, even if they don't want your input?
  • How can you better serve your audience when using Google or social media so that they find what they're looking for faster and easier than before.
  • What are your audience members' top discussions?
  • What things do they share and comment on the most often?

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to be writing an article when brainstorming ideas for a blog post. But, it is actually better if you just write down as many topics and points from your brain without any organization or structure at all. Then go through them later so you can organize everything accordingly with what's most relevant to readers first.

A blogger who is living abroad might find that their audience has a variety of interests, and they should take this into account when deciding what to write about. For example, some visitors will be interested in different cuisines or learning other languages while others may want help with coping with culture shock.

As you brainstorm ideas, don't forget to also consider podcasts and video interviews. Templates will always perform well too!


Creating Titles

Capturing the attention of casual web surfers is a challenge for writers. They skim through titles looking for content to read, so your title needs to be catchy and clear about what the article is about.

Give your topics working titles, even if you ultimately change the title later on.

You might have the topic, "work-life balance for healthy families." You can create a title for this topic that reads, "3 easy changes that will add 30 minutes to your family time every day."

It is important that your titles not only be catchy but also be specific. As the previous example illustrates, there are other tips contained within the article. They offer three tips that are easy to follow and help you gain as much as 30 minutes back.

Use numbers in your titles to make them more clear to the reader. Instead of simply stating these tips will save you time, you also let readers know that these tips will give you 30 extra minutes.

Why?  Because it creates a clear picture in the reader's mind. They can easily visualize thirty more minutes of family time.

To make titles clear, include the format if it is something other than a text-based article. If your post includes a video, infographic or template - put them in brackets after the title like this:

"3 Easy Changes That Will Add 30 Minutes of Family Time Back to Your Day [Video]."

With good titles, your posts will be able to stand out. The next step is to create sub-headings that break up the information for easier reading and scanning.

Each section should be a paragraph or two with three sections since you're sharing three changes in the above example post!

more title tips

Other Tips for Titles

Use Keywords - Bloggers can make their posts more appealing to search engines by using keywords, or phrases that readers might be searching for. For example, "work-life balance" is a keyword and should appear as close to the beginning of your blog post, so it's easier for people who are looking up this topic on Google Search to find your article in the results list!

Use Alliteration - Alliteration is a powerful tool for creating catchy titles. The repetition of the same letters or sounds in your title can make it catchier, as we see with "How to Cut Your Closet Clutter."

Use Strong Language - Use strong language while being cautious of its overuse. Don’t be afraid to write your title so that it makes bold claims about what the article delivers, such as - you will save them 30 minutes of time per day!

The best titles use the right combination of action words and adjectives to make your content stand out.

But there are two important dos and don'ts when you're creating a title. First, make sure that your article actually delivers on what it says in its title. Second, never overuse one word. Be sure to mix up different verbs or adjectives throughout every sentence.

Use Short Titles - Short titles get more shares. On Twitter, headlines between 8 and 12 words work best. Facebook posts with a title of 12 to 14 words are most popular.

Show Your Brand Personality - Tailor your tone of voice to match the personality of your brand. Choose words, phrases and grammar that reflect who you are as a company.

Make sure all titles are consistent with other content from your company's website or social media pages in order to maintain consistency throughout branding efforts!

Blog posts

Writing Your Blog Posts

This all goes back to using the information that you gathered while researching your reader’s profile. You will be referring to that when writing your blog posts.

Post Length

The length of your posts will be dependent on your reader. There are many factors to consider when determining what length your posts should be.

Some audiences consume longer, more in-depth content while others prefer it to be short. It's important that you decide on a length that works for not only you but also the readers of your blog or article as well.

Breaking up a blog post into two posts is an excellent way to keep your audience coming back for more. If you have too much information, this can be the perfect solution.

As you write blog posts, it is important to consider the audience. Length of content should be adjusted with each post so that time between releases remains predictable for your readership.

Aim for consistency while balancing length and topic depth depending on what posts are needed at a certain point in time.

journalist writing

Write Like a Journalist

When learning about English composition in school, we're taught that the best way to write an essay is by establishing a solid foundation and then build our argument from there.

The opposite approach works better for blogging however - bloggers should start with their strongest point or most interesting idea first so they can establish momentum right off the bat.

English writing classes teach us how to make arguments using points of evidence; in blogs, it's often more effective if you dive head-first into your main topic without delay.

This style is called the "inverted pyramid" style as it starts with the conclusion, and then fills in details of what led up to that event.

This offers a sort of teaser at the beginning to make readers want more detail about how events lead up to an outcome or so they can read on for themselves while still getting some form of entertaining content.

For example, a journalist might tell the story of a court case by saying "The judge banged her gavel and sentenced him to life in prison. The defendant was guilty."

This is likely to make readers wonder what happened, how the case was lost, and why the defendant was sent off for so long - all this information would be found within an article's body.

break up text

Break Up Your Text

You've probably noticed that blogs rarely have huge blocks of text, like a book or newspaper. Text is broken up to make online content more readable on various devices and this can be done in several ways - including:

  • Padding the spacing around words so they're easier to read when lines are shorter than usual (especially for mobile).
  • Using lists rather than paragraphs whenever possible(see below an example). Doing it also makes formatting simpler and you don't need as much blank space between items on the list either because there's only one line per item. The same goes with using images instead of describing them in detail.
  • The best technique nowadays seems to be just breaking things into smaller chunks at natural breaks.
  • You can add images to your posts not only for the sake of breaking up monotonous text but because they make them more visually appealing.
  • Bold and alternative fonts are great for making something stand out from the other text. However, too much of it can make your text harder to read so use sparingly!

Links and Networking

Wherever appropriate, you can add links to your posts. For example, if you cite another article or discuss another website or blog, turn a word into a link.

You also have the option of linking back to other content on your site that discusses something in more detail and even adding some images too.

Linking to another blogger is a great way to network. When you mention other bloggers, let them know and give your reason for linking in the first place. 

Understand that they may not reply or reciprocate but be patient. It will happen naturally.


Editing Your Work

Blogs are often written in a friendly tone of voice, like an old friend sending you a heartwarming email. But this doesn't mean that people should let grammar mistakes or incorrect spellings slide.

You don't have to do the same type of careful proofreading as editors for print material, but it's important not to miss any errors and write your articles with care so they're mistake-free and well read by those who would appreciate them.

There are a number of ways to polish and perfect your writing. Here are a few easy tips to keep you on track:

  • You need to double-check your work. Spellcheck can only do so much, after all. Make sure you review what you've written and fix any mistakes before publishing it on the internet.
  • Read your work aloud. This is a good way to tell just how natural and professional you sound when writing, which may catch something that your eyes didn't.
  • Sleep on it and then read your work again. You should set your writing aside and come back to it later with a fresh set of eyes.
  • Ask a friend to review your work. Another person might catch something you don't, and some of us may not be the best editors of our own work. 

You may not want to ask someone to review every post or page you write but when you are writing those super long posts, this can truly help you write better content.

via ScottHall


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